Where do you go to my lovely?

The Little Grassbird Megalurus gramineus is a relatively common local warbler, but rarely observed unless you make a special effort. Like many ‘little brown birds’ its plumage is subtle but distinctive.

It can be found in a variety of locations and habitats in the district, almost always near water. Over the years I’ve observed it along the Loddon River, in the rush beds at Joyce’s Creek (where this one seen) and in greatest numbers on the lignum swamps of the Moolort Plains.

It is something of a mystery bird, singing its mournful song regularly during the breeding season and then remaining silent for the rest of the year. It is always cryptic, furtive and wary – to catch a glimpse as I did for these images was fortunate indeed.

Its movements outside the breeding season are where the mystery lies – there is some evidence that birds head inland after breeding, however I can recall it being resident when the swamps were full during 2010-11.

It occupies the same habitat as the Golden-headed Cisticola but rarely sings from an exposed perch as the cisticola will do.

Little Grassbird, Joyce’s Creek, 15th November 2020




A spent Golden-headed Cisticola nest … a marvel of nature

Meet the maker … adult male Golden-headed Cisticola

Apologies for the lame Peter Sarstedt reference!

7 responses to “Where do you go to my lovely?

  1. Fabulous series!!! And how about that nest…

  2. Wonderful.

  3. Lovely photos of the Little Grassbird, a creature often heard but infrequently seen. Congratulations.

  4. Thank you Geoff – beautiful images and lots to learn

  5. Your lovely photo of the male Golden headed Cisticola has made my morning a golden one; thanks Geoff, keep them coming.

  6. I love your title. “Where do you go my lovely” Can’t remember who wrote the music or the words but I love the song. Very apt caption.

  7. Beautiful images Geoff, and I do love that song !

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